Monday, June 3, 2013



Longitude and latitude- 44.6479° N, 63.5744° W
Population density- 67.8 people/km
Landforms- Appalachian moutains
Climate- cold winters hot summers
Ecozone- Atlantic Maritime
Closest national park- Citadel National Historic Park
Industies- Fishing
Tourism- Out door adventures

I just settled into my hotel in Halifax. The hotel i will be staying at is called the Radisson suite hotel on 1649 Hollis St. For dinner my family and i are planning on eating at Duffy's Restaurant since the front desk gave us coupons for our meals. Duffy's was a great restaurant i had the stake tenderline with a side of potato skins. It is not 10:30 here in Halifax and my family and i are heading back to the hotel to call it an early night.
 Good morning world, My family and I just finished breakfast and are heading off to go see the light houses by the ocean and maybe do some fishing. It is now 6:00 and we are on our way back from having a great day at the ocean and on our way to have another great dinner at duffy's this time i think i might try the lobster! The lobster was amazing but now we are on our way back to the hotel for a good night sleep and in the morning we are off to Montreal!


Longitude and Latitude- 45.5081° N, 73.5550° W
Population- 1.65 million
Population density- 4,258.31 people\km
Landforms- st-lawrence lowlands
Climate- cold winters, rainy springs, and hot summers
Ecozone- Mixedwood Plains
Closest national parks- Oka national park
Industies-Port of montreal (fishing)
Tourism- hockey games

Hey I have just arrived here in montreal and my parents are checking us into the novotel montreal center as I type. We just settled into our room and are about to go eat dinner at La Méditerranée italian restaurant, Ill let you know how that goes later. We just finished eating dinner now we are heading back to the hotel to go to sleep for the night so we arent tired for the montreal canadian's tomorrow!
    Rise and shine it is 11:30 here in montreal and I am pumped for the game tonight at 6 pm but first i have the most important meal of the day! It is now 5pm here in montreal and my family and I are getting ready for the game. after breakfest we walked around down town and went to a few carnivals and festivals but anyways ill update you later im off to the game! Montreal beat toronto 4-1! It is now 11 pm and I am very tired so im going to bed... Tomorrow off to vancouver!



Longitude and Latitude- 49.2505° N, 123.1119° W
Population- 603,502
Population density-  802.5 people\km
Landforms-  Western Cordille
Climate- cold winters, rainy springs, and hot summers
Ecozone- Pacific Maritime ecozone
Closest national parks- pacific rim national park
Tourism- hockey games

Hey I just got to my aunts house in vancouver and she is going to take us on a hike through the moutains to see the wild life! I can't belive the things and animals i saw on that hike but now we are cookin hot dogs and burgers on a rack over the fire and then heading off for a good nights sleep.

 MMMhhhhmmmmm I love wakeing up to a nice homemade breakfast! Today we are going out on the boat for some fishing and some swimming. We just got back from the boat and boy am I ever tired but I  gotta stay awake long enough to cook the fish we caught! Well I can say that this is my favourite stop by far and I hate that we have to head home tomorrow but good night world hope you enjoyed as much as I did!

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